Starting any new role can feel daunting and you’ll want to make a good impression from day one. This usually starts with turning up on time, dressing appropriately and getting to know your new colleagues. However, with many organisations now welcoming new starters remotely, how can you make a similar good impression from behind a screen?
We share our tips on how to feel confident in starting a new role from home and make sure you make the all-important good first impression.
Have confidence
Remember, you’ve got the job for a reason! Whether you secured your new role before or during lockdown, it came down to the skills you have and you as a person. They want you! Whilst you may worry that you won’t be able to do your job as effectively at home and therefore may not impress as you hope too, many people are finding that they are much more productive at home.
You may need to have a few trials with your workstation to perfect it or finding out how you best like to structure your days but have faith in yourself that you will soon have a routine and schedule within your day.
Turn your webcam on
Whilst being in front of a webcam all day may not be your ideal situation, it is so important you do this in the first few weeks. Showing your face and being confident (whether it is real confidence or a bit of fake it till you make it!) will create a great first impression to all those you meet and help them get to know you too. Straight away it will help put faces to names and feel more personable than just talking over the phone.
Have personal conversations
A big difference between joining a company remotely and entering the office on the first day can be to do with the amount of personal conversations you have. During your first few weeks within an office you tend to be heavily involved in things like coffee runs and more personal conversations to get to know each other. These are still so important to have to make you feel welcomed and get to know your colleagues. Schedule in time to have ‘coffee breaks’ where you can video call and find out more about your colleagues and have those conversations which are unrelated to work – these are just as important!
Be proactive
Make sure you ask every question that pops into your head. Phoning, emailing and video calling all will show you being keen to learn and proactive. It is very easy to not ask any niggling questions due to having to make a little bit more effort outside of the office, however asking these questions may relieve any anxiety and can help you perform your new role much more efficiently and easily.
In some cases, these questions may turn into a helpful conversation or just a personal conversation which can help break your day up and you can get to know someone a bit more. Don’t suffer in silence!
Make your own personal goals
However big or small, having achievable goals within the workplace is always beneficial for keeping us on track. Having a goal will also make you feel accomplished and satisfied once you have achieved this. The first couple of weeks of a new job can often feel like a lot of listening and absorbing, and not necessarily ‘doing’ much. Ticking off your goals, however small or big, will make you feel productive and confident in your role, even if it’s something as simple as making a new friend
Joining a business remotely doesn’t have to be scary and you can certainly make a positive and impressive impact all whilst working from home. Feel empowered by the fact that they want you to work with them and have confidence in your own skills! Remember that everyone else is in the same situation and understands some of the differences that can come with working from home.
If you are looking for a new role during this time, please get in touch with us for temporary and permanent opportunities across Suffolk, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire and Milton Keynes within both the public and private sector.