Finding the perfect balance between your work and home life can be tough. With a constant list of things to do, it can be difficult to know when’s the right time to switch off, recharge and take some well-earned time for yourself.
If you’re struggling to find the right balance for you, take a look at some of our tips below and start working towards, a healthier, happier and more productive lifestyle.
1. Set realistic boundaries between work and home
Having set boundaries between your work and home life can be difficult when technology allows us to access our work from anywhere. However, learning to switch off when at home is one of the best ways to improve your work life-balance.
Setting boundaries will require you to be proactive, so aim to have specific work hours and do your best you stick to them. Delete any work email apps from your phone and use this extra time in your day for yourself. Whether you use it to spend time with family, exercise or just catch up on some tv, you will soon start to see the benefits.
2. Prioritise and organise your ‘to-do’ list
Take a look at your to-do list and work out what the most important tasks are, how long they are going to take and when you need to get them done by. You can then use this to plan out your day hour by hour and set achievable goals.
Being able to clearly see what you are going to do each day, and when you are going to do it, will help you become much more productive. This will allow you to finish the day knowing you completed what you set out to do and lead to less temptation to continue working out of hours.
3. Make the most of flexible working
Many companies now allow for flexible working and actively encourage employees to use it. Whether it’s working from home, arranging your work hours to fit around childcare, or taking flexi time, look in to what your company offers and see how this can be used to help you.
4. Take a break
When it feels like you’re snowed under with work, stopping for a break can feel like the last thing you want to do. However, taking time away from your desk can actually help you get more done. A lunch break gives your mind a chance to rest, recharge and allows you to come back refreshed and ready for a productive afternoon.
5. Learn to say no
Don’t feel like you need to say yes to everything. Assess your workload first, and the importance and urgency of the task you’ve been asked to do, and say no or rearrange if you need to.
Alternatively, see if you can provide any information or direction that will enable the person to complete the task themselves. If your colleagues are used to you saying ‘yes’ to everything, then they might form a habit of automatically asking you to do something which they may actually be able to do themselves.
Having a job you love can help make your work – life balance feel a lot easier. If you’re thinking you would like a change in your career to find something that suits your lifestyle better contact us today.